Slopers. Pinches. Edges. Redesigned by the master shaper himself, Jason Kehl, the Iron Palm 2.0 includes more slopey slopers, a thicker, comfy incut top rung, redesigned pinches with nice thumb catches, and various sized edges.
$ 69.37
$ 90.18
$ 69.37
$ 90.18
Slopers. Pinches. Edges. Redesigned by the master shaper himself, Jason Kehl, the Iron Palm 2.0 includes more slopey slopers, a thicker, comfy incut top rung, redesigned pinches with nice thumb catches, and various sized edges.
$ 58.68
$ 45.14
$ 63.36
$ 48.74
$ 74.50
$ 84.93
$ 78.85
$ 60.65
$ 66.60
$ 85.15
$ 65.50
$ 15.00
$ 75.91
$ 58.39
$ 79.17
$ 71.25